Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Food for Thought

I founds this on another sister's blog and it impacted me very positively:

"The purification of our inner being is directly related to our avoidance of blameworthy acts. Examine and test yourself against this standard. Prostrate with humility in the court of Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala. Tears flooding from the eyes purify the heart." - Hazrat Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)

Learning to Breathe this Deen

Assalamu alaikum!

Islam is a beautiful religion. It encourages and demands us to give to the poor, to have love and compassion between one another, husband and wife, parent and child. It provides inner tranquility and it gives us a sense of assurance. These reasons, among probably an infinite amount of others is what makes this deen so amazing, so awe-inspiring, so breath taking.

Before I reverted or converted (what ever way you'd like to put it) I researched Islam for three years. I knew it was the religion I needed to ascribe to. Allah (Subhana wa ta'ala) gave me too many signs that this was the right Path for me, that if I did anything otherwise I would be granting myself a great disservice. The reasoning for "taking too long to convert/revert?" As silly as it sounded, I wanted to be close to perfect in practicing my faith, I wanted to be able to pray consistently with out faltering, I essentially wanted to be "ready." The day I converted, it was more of a spontaneous occasion. I didn't wake up saying "today is the day I will take my Shahada!" Instead, it was a day when I was stressed about university and all the things that I had to do. But an amazing person who has come into my life, who was the initial reason I looked into Islam in the first place, recognized in me that I was finally ready. And after realizing this myself, tears welled up in my eyes, and I took my Shahada! Wallahi, it was if a whole weight was being lifted off my shoulders! I literally felt the sins of my past disappear, as if it has been lifted off my material and immaterial self! Alhamdulilah!

Prior to this day however, during my three years of research I had always said to myself, I want to convert soon, because what if I were to die tomorrow? Surely, I can't wait to be perfect, because that would take a lifetime! In fact the only one who is perfect is Allah (swt) and to strive for that is surely a mistake AstaghfirAllah. Especially after I converted, I have begun to realize something that I knew before. I will always have struggles to overcome, I will always have an inner jihad, where I will need to put my complete trust in Allah (swt) to cope with. MashAllah my worries about praying have been completely shot out the window! I had prayed 5 times a day about two weeks before I converted, and after I am doing so still. InshAllah, this will continue for the rest of my life.

But to cut to the chase in terms of the meaning of this post's title. What I am referring to, is trying to strive to constantly see the beauty of Allah (swt) and Islam every single day, every single moment. To remember Allah during times when I am thinking about something trivial and meaningless. To always remain in a positive mood and better my character towards others and my family. These are all things I am striving to be able to do. I know it will take time and perhaps a lifetime. But I think I am starting to do so. I am starting to appreciate the days that I have been blessed with, with the people that I have been blessed with, and ultimately with the fact that I have been guided to the Straight Path.

I am not sure if I articulated myself in a way that is understandable to the one who is reading this, but these are the things that are swirling in my mind at the moment.
I hope I wasn't being self-indulgent.

Until next time, may Allah (swt) continue to grant us guidance and instill tranquility in our hearts so that we can learn to be kind to one another and appreciate the many great blessings that He has given us. Ameen.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Assalamu alaikum my Muslim and non-Muslim Brothers and Sisters

Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu!

My name is Aminah and Alhumdulilah I am a new Muslimah! I took my Shahada on February 6th, 2010 and thought that I would create a blog to talk about my journey to Islam and what I am currently going through now. However, I may also talk about random thoughts that are swirling in my mind that may or may not be relevant to Islam.

InshAllah my account will help new Muslims and will be of interest for born-Muslims and non-Muslims alike. I thank you for stumbling on my blog. InshAllah, I will have much to say.

May Allah bless you all!
