Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Blessing is in the Struggle

Lupe Fiasco said it best.

I feel that I am currently experiencing my own inner struggle. Not to say that struggle doesn't face us everyday of our lives, but I think at the moment I am being pulled between two different directions. These two directions are a bit self-labeled; the Truth and the Deception.

The Truth represents; Islam and living, loving and doing for the sake of Allah (swt). The Deception refers to this dunya (world) that the Shaytan al-rajeem (the rejected) uses as a way to deflect us from the path of True knowledge and wisdom.

I think everyone experiences this tug and pull between the two. I pray that we all will have the endurance, strength and blessings of Allah(swt) to overcome Shaytan's attempts to lead us off the righteous path.



Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Apologies

Asssalamu Alaikum!

I haven't written much on my blog in awhile. Part of that reason is because I have started to pay closer attention to a more personal secret blog that I chose not to share with anyone. It acts most like a journal where I talk about some deeper thoughts as well as some poems that I have started to write.

I recently cut a very important person out of my life, and although I know that its for the best and is what Allah (swt) wants for me, I have gotten new inspiration for some thoughts and feelings.

I am sorry for being so vague! But there are just certain things that I don't want the entire world to come across.

I will however, try to make more of an effort to post more on this blog. Insha'Allah I will do a better job at doing so.

Be rest assured however that I am doing very well Alhumdulilah! I'm just enjoying my summer with amazing people and also trying to do a lot of self-reflecting. Perhaps I will post a rendition of my more intimate posts on here soon insha'allah.

Until next time,
God Bless,
