Friday, April 15, 2011

Have been M.I.A.

Assalamu alaikum brothers and sisters,

It has been a very long time since I last posted on this blog. A part of that is because of personal divergence to staying true to who I am, however, I am on the road to recovery Alhumdulilah.

I have started another blog which you inshaAllah if you are interested you can check out here:

The blog has more of a broader purpose in terms of including other aspects than just Islam. However, I am hoping that this summer I will have more time to devout to both blogs.

I pray that you are all doing well and hopefully you have not lost hope from hearing from me.

Your sister,

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Have not Forgotten!

Assalaamu alaikum,

Just wanted to drop a quick post to let whoever reads my blog know that I have not forgotten about it! I have been super busy with training that I am hardly able to get onto any social networking sites! Rest assured that everything is going well Alhumdulilah :)

I began a post to talk about the past few days, however I felt that I wasn't putting my words together the way that I wanted them. InshaAllah I will find a way soon, and it will come across well.

But I must allow my soul to return to Allah (subhana wa ta'la) inshaAllah I will be able to keep you updated.

Night and Good Morning/Afternoon brothers and sisters!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ramadan Days #10-14

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu!

My apologies! I clearly have been neglecting my blog. I have been crazy busy these past few days. I just moved into residence on Sunday and have entered Res fellow or "Don" training for the next two weeks. This is my excuse for not posting up any entries. Again I apologize greatly!

Alhumdulilah, despite being busy things have been going very well. I am meeting new and interesting people and also met another Muslimah who is so sweet. I also was invited to go for iftar at a sister's home with two friends tomorrow which I am so excited for! I had met this particular sister the day I did my public shahadah and it was circumstantial that I ran into her this month. Alhumdulilah.

Yesterday, I also had a great iftar with two friends, one an old good friend and the other the girl mentioned above. MashaAllah they are two amazing people.

Fasting was a little difficult yesterday though. I got this weird feeling in my chest like it was about to explode! It was a feeling that came and went, but Praise and Thanks to Allah I felt better and didn't prevent me from keeping my fast.

InshaAllah I will be more deligent with my posts, but I will be busy in the next few days. I'm sure I will make an entry after iftar tomorrow (insha'Allah).

May Allah increase our Eeman for the rest of the month and continue to soften our hearts. May He allow us to grasp the deepest understanding of Ramadan and this beautiful deen, Ameen


Friday, August 20, 2010

Ramadan Day # 8 & 9

Assalaamu alaikum,

Aoudu billahi minash shaytan al-rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

You know I can't believe I just let two days go by without blogging. My apologies! I just realized that today would be day # 10. I think sisters can understand the reasoning for this. Now I must remember what happened or what thought-provoking epiphany has brought me to the current mental and spiritual state I am in.

Despite whatever has caused this slight, but seemingly important personal growth all that needs to be said is All Praise and Thanks is due to Allah.

Through discussions about life's abstract, yet essential and fundamental questions, the reading of an eye-opening book "What is the What," by Dave Eggers, a little leap of faith in sharing something new with someone new and most importantly the amount of dhikr and reflection of what it means to follow Islam my mind is in an elevated state. Sorry for the run-on sentence guys!

InshaAllah (God willing) I will remain in this state and will only get closer.

May Allah increase all of our Iman and be in a constant remembrance of Him so that we can reap the emotional and spiritual benefits of His grace,

- Aisha

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ramadan Day # 7

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu!

Day 7 was an interesting day, a day in which I had to overcome another component of a test that all reverts face. Its the test of telling relatives about ones decision to adopt Islam as their religion, their way of life. As mentioned before I already told my Mother and my Aunt; two of the three closest relatives to me. The last, I had to tell was my Grandmother. There were many reasons as to why I held off 5 months in telling her about my decision, many of which are the same justifications for why it was so hard telling my Mother. She has strong reservations against organized religion, has had negatives experiences with religious leaders, and like both me and my Mother, she has a strong personality and would not be shy of telling me every single opinion until her breath ceased her to continue talking.

However, I realized that the time had come for me to tell her. This weekend both my Mother and Grandmother will be coming up to help me move back onto residence. Since I would be fasting I knew I needed the time had come to tell her. Not to mention that fact that this month is the Holy Month of Ramadan, and what better time to tell her!

For the past two days before yesterday I was pining over the prospect of what consequences would occur after telling my Grandmother. To be honest, I was afraid to hear that she was disappointed in me. But every time that I made dua and dhikr assurance overcame me Alhumdulilah. Each utterance of salutations to Allah subhana wa ta'ala was increasing my strength. I knew the time was approaching, where I would be courageous enough to tell her.

Yesterday, was the time. She had reacted how I expected to act, and maybe a bit better than expected Alhumdulilah. Unfortunately, I don't think I was able to express myself the right way, simply because I felt that anything I would say would be criticized and attacked. And they were. "You're too young to make such a big decision." "You haven't experienced life." "You are putting yourself in a box." These were all statements that were thrown at me. However, I am thankful to Allah that these were the only things that were said. I know that some reverts have experienced far more worse experiences than I. But I understand her position. I just told her that I hope that overtime I can help her to better understand why I had chosen this path for myself. InshaAllah that will be the case.

To any converts or people who are thinking about coming into Islam and may be wondering how I managed to overcome my fear of telling my parents. My answer is this; we should not fear man, only our Creator. A brother told me these simple, but beautiful words, "If Allah brings you to it, Allah will bring you through it." How true. However, to any brothers or sisters who fear their lives through telling their parents, waiting for a better time where this threat is no longer present would be the best time to tell them. Until then, remain strong and make tons of duas and pray for Allah to make your situation easy. And remember this, the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were facing the same situation as you. And despite their hardships their situations were made easier, and they were rewarded for their commitment and dedication to Islam.

May Allah make the lives easier for those who fear backlash from their families for choosing Islam, and increase their strength and iman, Ameen.

- Aisha

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ramadan day #5 and 6

Assalamu alaikum,

Here in Ottawa last night there was a magnificent thunderstorm that woke me up moments before the time for fajr prayer. I lied in my bed in shear awe and fear of the power of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala). When the azan began I woke up to do dhikr and subhanAllah shortly after the azan ended the thunder and lightning ceased.

It is amazing the many signs that surround us everyday, each waking moment. Often times we go about our day forgetting and be neglectful of how clear it is of His existence.

In the evening, the moon was yellow and hung low in the sky almost as if it could simply sit on top one of the buildings that were visible through my apartment window. Two natural miracles made an impact on me today, but there are an infinite amount that are always there.

"He has made night and day subservient to you, and the Sun and Moon and stars, all subject to His command. There are certainly signs in that for people who use their intellect."
(Qur'an, 16:12)

May we always be aware of the countless signs from our Creator." Ameen

- Aisha

Storm over Israeli 'abuse' photos - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Storm over Israeli 'abuse' photos - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

This is just sickens me. Its remarkable, how time, after time the world turns a blind eye to what is happening so openly and blatantly.

Oh Allah, please do not make us ignorant to the injustices of the world and help us to do our best in bettering the lives of those who are suffering. Please protect the oppressed and grant them justice, if not in this dunya then in the akira. Ameen